

智慧醫療與政策管理 產業博士學位學程

113 學年度








一、   本學程博士班以三至七年為限,其中至少二年須於產業進行場域驗證與實務研討,在職生修業年限得增加一年。

二、 研究生至少應修畢十八學分。其中應包含:

(一) 專業課程必選修科目(每領域至少兩學分)︰

1.         實證方法學領域:「生物統計學」、「流行病學原理」、「高等研究法」、「醫療照護研究法」、「質性衛生研究:方法與實例」或「衛生研究的質性方法」。

2.         智慧醫療與場域驗證創新領域:「智慧醫院」、「醫療照護產業創新商業模式」、「醫院評鑑的理論與實務」、「智慧醫療與產業應用」、「數位匯流與醫療資訊創新管理」或「企業架構與專案管理在醫療資訊的應用」。

3.         醫務管理與衛生政策領域:「醫院作業管理」、「醫療決策分析」、「健康保險與醫療體系議題研討」、「健康與長期照護保險制度」或「健康經濟學」。

(二) 除本學程會議同意外,研究生須在入學前三年(或六學期)選修六學分實務專題研討。

(三) 必須完成「學術研究倫理教育課程」線上課程,並於入學第二學期結束前通過課程總測驗成績得及格標準,通過測驗之學生始得申請學位考試。

(四) 入學第一學期必須完成「性別平等教育線上課程」,並通過線上測驗達及格標準。

三、 若學生曾修習相當於本學程之課程,可報請本學程會議認定是否可抵免,可抵免之學分數,應以規定之畢業學分數二分之一為限。相關辦法依學校規定辦理。

四、 未盡事宜,悉依本學程「博士班研究生修業規章」辦理。

    The Industrial Doctorate  Program in Smart      Healthcare Management and Policy

Academic Year 2023-2024

Minimum Term of  Study

3 years

Minimum Credits

18 credits

Minimum Credits for Direct-Entrance  Ph.D.

30 credits for direct-entrance PhD Program (including 18 credits for PhD Program)

Curriculum and Regulations

1.         The study period for PhD Program, according to Ministry of Education, shall be within 3 to 7 years. At least two years of the study shall be conducted in the industry. On-the-job students may extend the period by one more year.

2.         A total of 18 credits are required for graduation, including:

(1)      Required Courses (At least 2 credits from each discipline):

A.       Empirical Methodology: Biostatistics, Principles of Epidemiology, Advanced Health & Social Services Research Methods, Health Services Research & Practice,  Qualitative Health Research: Methods and Examples or Qualitative Methods for Health Research.

B.        Smart Healthcare and Field proven innovation: Smart Hospital, Entrepreneurship in Health care Industry and Business Model Case Study, Hospital Accreditation, Smart Healthcare and its Applications in Industry, Digital convergence and Enterprise Architecture and Project Management in Healthcare Informatics.

C.        Health Care Administration and Health Policy: Healthcare Operation Management, Medical Decision Making, Health Insurance and Issues of Health Care Systems, Health and long-term care Insurance, or Health Economics.

(2)      Unless agreed by the program committee, students must select at least 6 credits of Seminar on Health Industry Practices in the first three years (or 6 semesters) of study.

(3)      Academic Research Ethics: NYCU’s students have to complete the online course of the program and pass the required approval standard for the exam before end of second semester.

(4)      Gender Equity Education: Students shall take this course during their first semester at NYCU through the University’s online learning platform. They shall pass the online test in order to pass the course.

3.         All applications for credit transfer(s) must be approved by the institute. The amount of transfer credit(s) shall be less than half of the total required credits for graduation. Relevant details are referred to NYCU regulations.

4.         For unaccomplished matters, please refer to the institute regulations.

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